Monday, October 4, 2010

happy 6 months to lil' ayden!

my xiao baobei is 6mths old now! woohoo...

ayden is now 73cm long and 9.2kg... and he's sprouting 2 lower pearlies! which means his bite will be worse than his bark.. oops.. i mean growl, soon.. reminder not to test them with my fingers anymore..

for now, he's still a young terror. terrorising his 太婆 when itz time for milk.. cos only she can make him finish his bottle of milk.. tsk! he loves food though and is always caught salivating or swallowing his own saliva which he watches us eat when outside.. he kicks up a BIG fuss if not fed solids fast enough!

he looks like a one-year old with his height.. ya.. a ONE-year old who can't walk.. hiaks..

he loves being tickled, made funny faces at and he BURST into happy peals of laughter..

he's always ready with a brilliant smile for me & the family..

he loves looking at his nonchalant jiejie..

he loves licking and putting anything he can grab hold of in his BIG mouth, which pisses jiejie off..

he loves strawberry kisses on his lil tum..

he loves to reach out for things in his sight. regardless of whether he's sitting or on his tum. he'll find his way to reach out..

he ignores daddy when he's scolded and looks around for "friendly" faces to escape to..

he loves to go gai-gai!

he loves looking at lil' kids and babies..

he loves his fists and feet. never failing to put them in his mouth to get a good lick..

he loves bathtime and dun mind having water all over his face. even if it makes his eyes red..

he loves the mirror and will smile oh-so-seductively at his own reflection..

he loves the camera. literally. and gastronomically.. he grabs and "eats" it..

he loves all of us.. and so do we.. LOVE u lots ayden baby dear!

mummy may not have felt the best towards you when u were in my tum. but u have taken my breath away with all ur cute antics and beautiful smiles and happy laughter. thank you for giving mummy an escape to paradise everytime i m with u.. an escape from mummy's stressful yet mundane life at work. daddy & mummy love u lots.. and we wish for u a happy, healthy and fulfilling life! meanwhile, enjoy ur babyhood innocence before the cane comes out! oops! =)

p.s. daddy might appear fiercer to u as compared to jiejie but he reali do love u lots. in his own words, "i love him! but must train him up. cannot be a gu-niang like jiejie. one gu-niang in the family is enough.. lucky she's a girl.. i want didi to be tough and be able to handle situations in life.."

see? daddy's got great expectations of u. and i m sure all's in the best interests.. so be guai guai and just finish ur milk when itz time to, okay?


mummy.. MAMA!