Wednesday, June 17, 2009

missy with her paternal family

itz not often that we go to my mil's place.. (okay okay.. i will make sure ah bian squeeze the time out in future!).. and surprisingly, missy was at her sweetest (and may i say fakest) on sunday when we visited her granny and aunts!

she greeted every1 with zest and enthusiasm, hugged every1 (even wanted to hug the buddha figurine after bai bai.. & eventually settled for blowing a kiss at the figurine), asked me for permission b4 doing anything, acceded to each & every requests that were made towards her (e.g. repeating her name many times etc) AND she DIDN'T throw any tantrum at all! woah.. since when do i hv such a nice missy huh??

guess this missy's EQ shdnt be too bad in future! kekeke.. =)