Thursday, June 4, 2009

missy on a busy morning

missy was so busy on last saturday (31/5/09)..

she was busy saving her $$$ in the cute atm piggy bank i got for her 3 mths back.. haha! and erm.. obviously she can't squeeze the $ in the correct slot yet.. however, as there are 2 other slots for dollars and the atm card, she deposited the $$$ into these slots instead.. hahaha!

check out some of her smug looks while looking at the camera. one of her favourite "pose" when i tell her to look at me while i photograph her.. erm.. attitude problem like me??

missy with her oranges.. she was soooo busy taking the oranges out from the plastic bag and plonking all onto daddy's hands.. er... "dear ar! daddy's hands ain't as big as u think wor... "

missy the 神婆... she loves praying and kowtow-ing.. haha! little auntie in her..
oops! and sorie for lumping it with her on the potty pics.. cos she needed to pee right after her prayers.. oopsie!