Tuesday, May 18, 2010

my lovely darlings..

lil' ayden weighs 6.2kg as at 6 weeks old (16th may), 59cm tall with a head circumference of 38.5cm.
on the other hand, miss shortie weighs 12kg and measures at a pathetic height of 87cm (which has remained the same over the past few months!).. hmm..

didi has been on 120ml milk feeds from 2nd week onwards though it might dwindle now & then to 90ml but he's looking like a 3-months old baby with his chubby face and length.. missy is still drinking mostly milk only with some solids here and there. and hmm.. she is drinking 120ml every 2hours just like didi! you can actually say that i am a happy mother to 2 babies.. hahaha! ok. i shall have no complaints since both of them are growing pretty well! =P i am also a very very lucky mother, esp with the precious help from both granny & mummy in looking after these 2 little monsters while i have been having my breaks over the past 2 weeks... i reali owe it to them... big time.

behaviour-wise.. missy is, in my opinion, the best jie jie to ayden despite her nottiness. ask her on a bad day if she loves daddy/mummy/ granny/ great-grandma or anyone else and her answer will most likely be a "NO!".. but regardless on what type of day she is going through, she will ALWAYS say "i LOVE didi!".. seriously. dear and i are both impressed by her. she is afterall not a selfish & spoilt brat as we have presumed she will be.

having said that, it doesn't mean she won't ignore ayden or fight for our attention. she will go on her daily "chores" of playing with her toys, watching DVDs or drawing. and she will still insist we do these together with her. however, she will also have her sweetest jiejie moments when she stop by ayden's cot, rocker or sarong and peep at him. stroke his hands sooooooo gently and say "didi ayden, sayang.." *heart melts*

didi ayden on the other hand is a fiesty and fierce lil' fella! fiercer than missy on all counts. (should be able to tell when his cord dropped off only on the 28th day compared to adri's 18th day - which is already considered a very long time!) and he is also a lil' kpo who loves to be carried upright and his eyes will scan everywhere. he even knows how to show his displeasure of staying in the room a tad longer than he should. he'll fuss and make loads of noise until we bring him out to the living room! he also have this funny "capability" of letting us know when he poops. his face will change and he'll make a sound, getting us ready to clean him up.. one thing he hates most is the cleaning of his face with wet cotton pads after every feed! this dirty lil' fella hates to have his face cleaned. haha!

can u imagine what it is like to have four short/hot-tempered beings together in a family?? hmm.. i wonder how it'll be when my 2 babies are teenagers.. oh dear.. i shall not think about it until that day comes!