have never been a fan of the web.. until i stumbled upon SMH forum where i met wonderful october 07 mummies.. who went through the pregnancy journey with one another and being the listening ears for the many grouses of many mummies over the past 3 years..
and from there came the money-draining SMH BP (bulk purchase) or Spree sections which lulls you into thinking that you are getting freaking great deals (which most of the time, they are!) so you spend and spend and spend just by clicking clicking and clicking.. grrrr... and of cos, i get a high just seeing the status updates of my purchases going from "payment received" to "confirmed" to "mailed out" to receiving the often-brown package in my mailbox or in the office.. and the pleasure of just ripping the package open to reveal the might/ might not fit clothes and many other barang barang for the kids.. ha!
then not forgetting the all-powerful FB with itz many many ads.. i dun log in to FB for games (cos dat'll be another addiction which will be super hard to rid of! i can't imagine the crazy nites spent in front of the lappie if i ever clicked on the games.. ha!).. so so so.. with all these enticing me, tell me how do i save?
dear always wonder how much more clothes/ shoes/ bags do i need and if i am ever gonna donate out the 5 big bags of clothes sitting in our spare room soon before spiders and other creepy crawlies overspill onto our land.. hur! wait till he sees my new buys again.. as i m typing, my hands are itching just to add a tab to shop! hohoho...
so what have i been up to in the past 48hours? hurhur.. securing 4 pieces of outfit from 2 online stores.. (psssst.. if u dun see me wear them, dun ask me about it okie? maybe i can't fit my fat ass in.. oops!
from Loef...

from tracyeinny...

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