i feel OLD... how do i not feel old when i m a mother of a almost 6-months old baby and a baby who's turning THREE!??!!! haha..
i tink the same OLD feeling is evoked everytime missy adds a year to her age. cos it still seem just like yesterday that i m pregnant with HER! not to mention ayden.. i guess itz something i have to live with for the rest of my life.. haha! the kind of sweet anxiety mixed with immense happiness everytime the birthday draws near.. maybe datz one in the list of the "job scope" of a mother? =) well, i m not complaining! itz my pleasure and my joy..
updates (or rather postdate) on the YEARLY october'07 babies' birthday bash on 18th september held at modestos@vivo.
*special thanks to serene for making this event happen! and to emily for the very cute cake!!*
though the kids & adults attending this year are lesser, it is in no way less impt to me in my social calendar.. cos i m always looking forward to meeting up with both the kiddos & mummies! kiddos: cos i feel like they are my kids too! mummies: cos without them, my pregnancy journey and life after becoming a mummy wouldn't have been so happening! =) so yup.. though it is just over, i m already counting down to the next one..
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