my lil' bao bei with his favourite toy of the moment.. a sophie giraffe... doing his all-time favourite activity - LICKING and BITING! tis lil' terror simply love putting stuff in his mouth.. something so different from jiejie (she has never given me any cause of worry in this dept! her very basic instinct is "kia si".. ha!).. guess we have to be very cautious of what we leave ard the house, lest he just grab and stuff it in.. tsk..
oooooo my "handsome" baby in his walker.. the ultimate freedom machine (as mentioned in an earlier post??)
some other differences in this lil' one's development as compared to jiejie (other than the obvious height and weight dept.. btw.. ayden is 71cm, 9.5kg now.. as compared to missy's pathetic 92cm, 12kg.. haha!)
2. he's a real happy baby! always ready with a smile for any1 approaching.. such a contrast to grouchy aka "cool-cat" missy. guess i was a very very happy pregnant woman when with ayden.. thus the contrast in this area...
3. he reacts faster to outside stimulation. e.g. snapping of the fingers, a soft cough etc.. hey! he can even spot us at nite in the darkness and all we did was just to sit up and look at him.
of cos i m not trying to say who is better. missy has her own triumphant moments too but i'd have to search through the blog archives for her achievements. cos (i have to repeat again. i have a poor memory.. hiaks!) i can't remember! thank god for technology. thank god for blogs! hahaha.. and i LOVE them both.. LOADS...
my baobei insisting on having her pics taken with me when she caught me snapping at didi. AS USUAL...
a tight squuuuuuuueeeeeeeeezzeeeeee...
tink ayden is getting sick of me, no?
oh! and of cos his 1st ride on the jumperoo as you can see from the video clips in an earlier post!
tis was taken just before the clip.. ayden trying to figure out how to work the thing.. ha! and ta-da! he got it! flashing dat victory smile..
how can missy forget her picture moments again?? tis time with her baobei daddy..
more to come! patience please.. hahaha
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