Friday, June 11, 2010

1st MTP session...... =P

Meet The Parents session on 27th May 2010...

haha! funny how the schools do it nowadays. but i certainly dun mind cos i can get an update on adri's performance in school and i can't wait to hear them! met Ms Quek (her form teacher) for the session and her feedback on adri: she doesnt like 2 sing when in a grp! yet she'll sing when on her own.. i m surprised! cos she sings everywhr she goes at hm! i m sure this has got to do with the fact that she is damn atas.. hahaha... unless, she doesn't sing cos she knows she is "lao hong"?? oops!!!
otherwise, she is doing pretty well n likes 2 do art n craft on her own (she forces us 2 do for her at hm! argh..). she is better in english though she cn converse in both languages separately 2 both her eng n chinese teachers.. her classmates like her alot (phew!) n she is getting mre independent.. and she DOES eat.. albeit a little but itz improving due to peer pressure i'd guess. and apparently she knows her classmates' names n yet dun tell us when we ask! ok.. nw's e freaky part - thr ISN'T any 'benjamin' in her class!?! hmm... i just have to think he's her make-believe friend ba??

her "performance" portfolio

some of her activity sheets.. i like it alot! though i know itz mainly scribbling and lotsa doodling out of the box/shape, i dun mind! cos this is exactly how it should be for toddlers her age. i always try my best NOT to dictate what she is drawing and ask her instead. "what are u drawing baby?" and mostly she will tell me itz something that the picture totally DO NOT resemble. but i believe in encouraging her cos that's how the kid's mind works! she sees things totally different from us cos she is young and CREATIVE and is yet to be tainted with what the adult world will term as "perfect". so even if she is messy in her artwork, i m HAPPY. this only means that my baby is still a young and innocent darling of mine.. hee..

i am very very happy with the attentiveness of the teachers! very impressed too.. cos i was pregnant when she started school, Ms Quek was actually very nice to have thought of bringing a baby toy to school for the kids of her class to be involved in. She even called her "Adrienne/ Xing Yi jie jie" and kept talking to her about "DIDI" way b4 i popped.. so that adri can get used to that term and also be open-minded towards didi.. i m so glad for this extra help cos it definitely did prepare her!

hmm.. here comes the part i totally dun understand. and i think i have to declare "war" on her chinese teacher. i am not a perfectionist nor a kiasu parent but i believe in fairness. check out her "dependent" results for all her Chinese activities. i can totally understand if you have marked some to be "need support" but all of them are marked "dependent"!! hmm.. hello... adri is no chinese helicopter but she can speak and can certainly recite and follow simple instructions! i really feel like asking her chinese teacher if she is simply too lazy to even think before she "tick" the boxes..

well, i m pretty happy with adri's progress in school... but but but.. my little baby is growing up so fast! i wouldnt have minded if she relied abit longer on me.... hiaks.. (though i know i will complain abt her being sticky then.. hahahaha!)


J.H said...

wow well done little adri. She did really well!
I have an assesment test coming up for my boy, can't imagine what they test a 3yo for???