HOWEVER, the experience is priceless! watching my darling lil girl rehearse her lines, put on the makeup (erm.. done by moi la..), going up on stage blah blah blah is the ultimate priceless experience i can ever have.. awww.. i must say the teachers had really put in loads of effort and heart and soul into coaching them! *clap clap*!
we didnt actually know what she was going to be performing until she blurted out "Footloose!" while on bed with us.. and from then on, watching her rehearse her steps was made easier as dear sang the song to her while she danced!
then 2 days prior to the concert, she blurted out yet another sentence.. "大家好! 我是豆豆班的黄幸仪.我们要为大家呈现一只舞蹈..谢谢!".. dat left us in stitches! hahaha.. and a question popped up in our heads in the meantime.. "y did ms quek choose her huh?? she talk machiam 'lao hong' leh!" LOL! but being the proud parents and family members, we just had to make her repeat herself again and again for our own pleasure.. hiaks..
and the day arrived! we were still wondering if she was really gonna be the one who announces.. and she was! *proudly beams* awww... my baby! i m so proud dat she didn't have stage fright and i tink she did well.. her loud voice is certainly inherited from me, just in case u were wondering.. hahahaha!
jas & i were seated together (thanks to her arrangements, i guess?? =P) and we had a great time! from the time the graduands walked in, we started getting teary-eyed.. and itz not even dayan & adri's!! goodness.. but we were so touched.. they were once so young and they are now ready to embark on their next stage of life! the primary school! i was telling dear to remember to pack more tissues when it comes to adri's time... i can't imagine my girl growing up so fast... oh.. emotional me!
my lil darling.. all made up for her full-dress rehearsal..
the pathetic vid that i took with the camera.. hee.. super shaky thanks to my laughter!
the very very much better vid, courtesy of jas! *thanks darling!*
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