so.. cut the long long story short (plus i dun rem much details anyway.. hahaha!) the following are some pics of the happenings..
@ Gobi... missy loves to take pics with ayden.. but yet she doesnt wana share the limelight! though she loves to make sure she gets half of watever biscuits/ crackers he's having!

*thanks kelly for the wonderful treat* (even though we knew u did it out of guilt.. wakakkakaka!)
ooo.. halloween came and went. moi not angmoh plus not dat young to fully appreciate the "beauty" of dressing up like a ghoul for this particular day.. but with the carrot ($200) dangling in our faces, i just had to tink of something in order to win best-dressed for the dept. and so the idea popped up! obviously we didnt have time to rent any outfits (and i m not in favour of spending $$$ b4 winning..) so i tot of using poor isaac and the hand towels to wrap him up like a mummy. on seeing this, credit team did the same too! and we have our mummy 'newlyweds'! and we WON! and ahem.. being the thick-skinned moi, managed to squeeze another $250 out from someone for our celebrations.. WOOHOO!
and weekend came again.. well.. watz a weekend without any outing and food? tis time round itz @ coffee club (NOT TCC hor.. alot of pple get mistaken.. tsk.. ) @ marina sq. i m SO happy they brought back my favourite country pie!! *YUMMY* as i remembered it.. rest of the fare was yummy yummy too..
ooooo.. special mention: the BIG "ferraro rocher" ball.. pour the choc over it and it melts to reveal the hazelnut centre.. *slurp*
my darlings!
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