tis blog is especially created for the 2 lovely beings in our lives...
baby Adrienne who arrived on 8th Oct 2007..
and our 2nd bundle of joy, bb Ayden who arrived to complete our beautiful family on 4th April 2010!
welcome to our beautiful world, our dearest bb Adri & Ayden!
i m a FTWM and only thru this blog do i have the chance to log down all the beautiful happenings in my everyday life with my dearest daughter & son... =)
missy with her newest creation.. the bottom one is her oh-so-beautiful version of a spider! and the one she's working on? cockroach lor! wat else? hahaha.. hard at work.. and guess wat? my lil boy is one budding artist too! dear & i are surprised by his fine motor skills and "intelligence" in knowing dat the doodle pen is for writing and not to eat! hahahaha.. he can even manipulate the pen from left to write hand. and when his little fingers are slipping off, he removes the pen and hold it again.. hahaha! he turns the pen over and over again too. to rotate between the finer / broader tip.. awww.. my lil babies.. i am already dreaming of the day when their artwork can be sold for $XXXXXXXXXX.. hahahaha!
with this post, i should be up to date.. hiaks.. (pray i dun fall behind again!)
steamboat buffet @ joo chiat.. LOVE the corn! i tink i can survive just on corn and potatoes.. hmm.. lil A having a FUN and MESSY time with his biscuit.. good for him.. and us! cos he wun disturb us while he's trying to wrestle with his food.. kekeke i dunno watz up with missy. but tis just shows her narcissistic side. again. end of school term pressie?? ahahahaha! "mummy, take picture of me!" my darling boi cannot stand properly. yet wana start to cruise.. hao lian... =P oooooooo my handsome boy with us @ kiddy palace. tried on the cap and he looks so cute!!! my baby has grown! he looks so different now.. aww.....
finally we found the time to go for the gymboree classes after a busy October! yeah.. and ayden had his 1st class with jie jie.. they did family music together. however, music or making music is clearly not the priority on ayden's mind. he's more interested in doing a "instruments tasting" day.. hahaha! they did enjoy though and we had fun watching them too! wanted to let them go for the playgym together after lunch but boiboi was obviously too tired from his "tasting" session.. well.. $ saved! the next weekend was missy's art class. (boohoo! all her classes are drop-off now.. can't join her in the class!). she's surprisingly shy and reserved initially and didnt reali wana express herself but being missy, all these shyness went out the door once she warmed up.. =P her masterpieces from 2 sessions of art.. carzy pics time.. GIMME the BALL!!! noW!! wah.. must mention this.. missy started taking pediasure as a supplement to her gain IQ.. and hor... she has been piling on the weight! NO change in height, as expected.. but her weight is now 14kg! from 12kg less than 1 month back.. look at her "hamburger" cheeks.. i have been biting them so often, she already bth me.. looked at me and asked "mummy, u bite me ar??" hahaha! how to resist those fat cheeks?? aiyoooooo godknows where i dig this from.. hurhurhur. bth his expressions! so blur! to end part 3.. PRIVE! love the view minus the construction @ reflections.. tsk.. food so-so only and eggs benedict is erm.. NO good.. service sucks.. tink i will be back only for drinks in the evening..
hahaha.. following up on the previous post.. this is part 2 of "recollections"..
my dear princess' birthday! we made her squeeze into the tight kiddy ride.. dun she just look so kiddy?? gosh.. with missy and her DRAGONS!!! darling ayden boi boi joining in the fun (by displaying his arm power on the bed)... =P dun ask me about the 25cents face for the 1st pic.. guess tis is how they "love" each other ba? *bleh* another weekend again! tis time @ bugis... my dear boy trying the hip-hop/rapper style.. hiaks! with missy @ JP.. tis girl ar.. simply cut right in front of someone and insisted i take a pic of her. while all i wanted was to dig a hole and HIDE!
it has happened yet again but then.. watz new?? hahaha! i mean my lack of posts and the catching up thereafter.. so much so dat my office princess commented "go read ur blog for wat? u never update leh!".. tsk tsk.. youngsters are so rude nowadays.. but still.. erm.. truthful la..
so.. cut the long long story short (plus i dun rem much details anyway.. hahaha!) the following are some pics of the happenings..
@ Gobi... missy loves to take pics with ayden.. but yet she doesnt wana share the limelight! though she loves to make sure she gets half of watever biscuits/ crackers he's having! @ pump room (clarke quay).. i tot the lava cake @ gobi was power.. who knows the choc pudding (pump's version of the lava) is the ultimate!!! *drools*... we slurped up every single bit of the desserts though our stomachs were protesting in horror...
*thanks kelly for the wonderful treat* (even though we knew u did it out of guilt.. wakakkakaka!)
ooo.. halloween came and went. moi not angmoh plus not dat young to fully appreciate the "beauty" of dressing up like a ghoul for this particular day.. but with the carrot ($200) dangling in our faces, i just had to tink of something in order to win best-dressed for the dept. and so the idea popped up! obviously we didnt have time to rent any outfits (and i m not in favour of spending $$$ b4 winning..) so i tot of using poor isaac and the hand towels to wrap him up like a mummy. on seeing this, credit team did the same too! and we have our mummy 'newlyweds'! and we WON! and ahem.. being the thick-skinned moi, managed to squeeze another $250 out from someone for our celebrations.. WOOHOO!
and weekend came again.. well.. watz a weekend without any outing and food? tis time round itz @ coffee club (NOT TCC hor.. alot of pple get mistaken.. tsk.. ) @ marina sq. i m SO happy they brought back my favourite country pie!! *YUMMY* as i remembered it.. rest of the fare was yummy yummy too.. ooooo.. special mention: the BIG "ferraro rocher" ball.. pour the choc over it and it melts to reveal the hazelnut centre.. *slurp* my darlings!
we were fleeced... missy's concert costs us slightly more than a hundred bucks.. daylight robbery i scream!! dress = 30+, shoes & socks = 35, tix = 28, dvd = 24, pics = 12!!! super heartpain if u ask me.. *bleh* and itz not even her graduation! gosh...
HOWEVER, the experience is priceless! watching my darling lil girl rehearse her lines, put on the makeup (erm.. done by moi la..), going up on stage blah blah blah is the ultimate priceless experience i can ever have.. awww.. i must say the teachers had really put in loads of effort and heart and soul into coaching them! *clap clap*!
we didnt actually know what she was going to be performing until she blurted out "Footloose!" while on bed with us.. and from then on, watching her rehearse her steps was made easier as dear sang the song to her while she danced!
then 2 days prior to the concert, she blurted out yet another sentence.. "大家好! 我是豆豆班的黄幸仪.我们要为大家呈现一只舞蹈..谢谢!".. dat left us in stitches! hahaha.. and a question popped up in our heads in the meantime.. "y did ms quek choose her huh?? she talk machiam 'lao hong' leh!" LOL! but being the proud parents and family members, we just had to make her repeat herself again and again for our own pleasure.. hiaks..
and the day arrived! we were still wondering if she was really gonna be the one who announces.. and she was! *proudly beams* awww... my baby! i m so proud dat she didn't have stage fright and i tink she did well.. her loud voice is certainly inherited from me, just in case u were wondering.. hahahaha!
jas & i were seated together (thanks to her arrangements, i guess?? =P) and we had a great time! from the time the graduands walked in, we started getting teary-eyed.. and itz not even dayan & adri's!! goodness.. but we were so touched.. they were once so young and they are now ready to embark on their next stage of life! the primary school! i was telling dear to remember to pack more tissues when it comes to adri's time... i can't imagine my girl growing up so fast... oh.. emotional me!
my lil darling.. all made up for her full-dress rehearsal.. mini auntie lucy! concert day!! my cute lil danson.. he's so well-behaved! he didnt create any ruckus though it must have been boring for him.. heehee progamme sheet.. the k2 graduands.. my handsome SIL! should have borrowed a DSLR.. we were seated in the last row and after the zoom, blurry images were all i got! tsk... but still.. can see that he's super handsome la.. hahaha! oops! the cute couple.. missy with her "appreciation" gift..
the pathetic vid that i took with the camera.. hee.. super shaky thanks to my laughter!
the very very much better vid, courtesy of jas! *thanks darling!*