finally, the long-awaited event happened.. =) and we had fun!!
with my princess... while waiting for the tram/train/carriage?? haha..

going bonkers and perspiring even before stepping in! woohoo!!

with my office darling bff...

and the whole bunch of us.. minus my princess who's behind the lens..

stupid cleopatra.. keep changing her pose.. until i got caught in such an awkward one.. hahaha!

a crazy me.. dunno wat got into me dat day.. i was actuali game enough for crazy poses. first ever one dat cracked up the whole team.. hahaha!

marilyn monroe wannabe...

until i met the "decoy"... (psst.. she doesnt have the necessary cleavage!)

MY HIPPO!! macho one..

kaoz.. this thing was easier to climb on than off!

more pressies for missy! t-rex tumbler from hj, red rex & mini rex from me and stegosaurus from sabrina! xie xie aunties! oopsie

a very very very exhausted group.. even our dear isaac was sitting on the floor while taking this pic. but kudos to him for tahan-ing us and our many many photo moments. hahahaha!

before we head home... just had to pose once more!
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