missy on 中秋节with her lantern.. (oops! itz ages ago hor??) anyway, itz more like her "birthday" cos she's busy lighting and blowing out the candle in her lantern.. haha!
then it was ayden's 3rd 6-in-1 vaccination. he was actually asleep from the waiting but when the needle went in, he flinched but only let out a short cry and a long grumble.. phew! i tot he's going to be hard to pacify again.. heehee..
looking all chirpy BEFORE the jab...
next up on missy.. her hair was getting abit too long and she's going cranky again.. so off we went to have her hair done! nice lady @ vivo's branch but i still tink lan xiang @ united square does a better job.. especially with the concave bob.. ah well. as long as itz not done by dat goon who destroyed her hairstyle sometime back..and it was BB's wedding! of cos sam & i had to go... we hvnt seen her in AGES!!! she looks H.O.T! and we were reali glad we went though we were the only ones who knew each other.. cos her wedding @ white rabbit @ dempsey was so fun! the march in was a DANCE-IN! people were all having fun watching their "bros" & "sistas" don sunglasses and groove to the music.. awwwwww... i LOVE LOVE LOVE weddings.. they never fail to bring out joy in me..
as most will know, missy likes doodling.. the following are her more recent "works"..
missy trying to ACT out what she was trying to draw... top 2 pics depict a crying man..
i was tickled by her potrayal and interpretation of her 2nd pic though.. we didnt know wat she was drawing so she said "naughty boy stick out his tongue!" and proceeded to show the same.. LOL!
crazy photo moments AGAIN!
and last but not least, let me present the very very SMILEY ayden to complete the post (again!) !!
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