Tuesday, August 24, 2010

boeing boeing

19th august 2010. thursday.

had wanted to go catch the play, boeing boeing the last 3 times it was staged but the schedules simply clashed and couldn't do so. but! i finally managed to do so with dear this run! and i m so happy cos the main character, Bernard is played by Adrian Pang this time round! yippie!..

although we were sick (dear's down with flu and fever and chills.. and me, the hacking cough..), we were glad we made it down nonetheless. cos we spent the next 1.5hrs laughing our hearts out! the play was hilarious, witty and plain charming! see the following for the synopsis of the play.. (phew! itz a play.. cos dear dun reali like/enjoy musicals.. *bleh*)

the actors are definitely in top form and their fantastic acting brought out the souls in all 6 characters in the play! dear & mine personal fav? the cathay pacific stewardess played by Wendy Kweh. she is such a natural with the hkg slang, the bitchiness and the LOUDNESS! hahahaha... i better stop yakking about it.. else it'll be a spoiler! =P

pls do catch it if u can! dun miss the play! ends 4th september.. @ drama centre, nlb.
p.s. imo, dun need to get the best seats cos drama centre is pretty small. that being said, we were seated in the 2nd row from the front and the view is superb. however, as the theatre is small, i doubt it will make any difference.. =)