pre-christmas treats... missy & her blower..
oooooo.. me snucking a kiss with the handsome boy.. i love it when u try to kiss him and he just opens his mouth and goes blur.. hahaha!
the Christmas day party @ 美姨's 'penthouse'! hahaha..
everyone going a little gaga with missy taking centrestage with her songs & dances..
"jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way.........................."
see the contrasting 3 groups of pple? the youngsters @ the balcony with their newest version of the monopoly, the bored ones in front of the TV and the oldies (oops!) @ the dining table chit-chatting away..
our x'mas spread! specially sponsored by 珮姨,美姨,舅母 & myself.. ^_^
and the delicious egg mayo sandwiches lovingly made by wanqiu & peiyan!
our gift exchange time!!
all of us got at least one pressie each cos we have picked each other's name like 2 weeks prior to the party.. though we had surprises too! love came in the form of our very own Santarina, 珮姨 who burnt a big hole in her pocket buying us girls (yes, me included), pretty bags and something else for each & every1 of us! woohoo!!!
missy happily tearing up the wrappers! she's got the most and she's super duper happy..
lil ayden boyboy having loads of fun at his 1st ever party too!
our lovely pressies!
oooooooo.. i can't miss this out.. ha! my handmade-with-love pressie for my big baby.. materials provided by huijuan, lotsa ideas input from the ever-creative kelly... and.. ta-da! i'm soooo proud of myself! completed in less than 3hrs.. during office hours.. hiaks hiaks... more pressies for the kiddos!! muacks muacks to 珮姨& lilian姐姐 for the beautiful but expensive loot from gymboree US.. aww....
i tink i m very loved... cos my kiddos are getting so much pressies.. if pple dun love me, they wun bother with my kiddos, no?
my princess, Xinyi really knows the missy well.. ^_^ and oops! got so excited about the lovely gift box dat i forgot to take the pic of the equally beautiful polo tee Xinyi got for ayden boyboy... hee...
last but not least, well-picked and foreseen to be well-utilised pressies from eileen for the 2 of them! they love it!! (",)
a little on the pre-x'mas party @ the office..
don't think i have much to write about cos we had too much fun! hahaha.. nah... just dat the pressies' exchange started so early that i lost track and these are those dat i have pics of! not forgetting the crazy feasting in the month of december dat i tink the lesser i appear in front of the camera, the better it'll be.. LOL
we received lovely cupcakes... and the wonderful pressies i got!
and the gorgeous people i work with!! =D
and thereafter, we bade farewell to a wonderful 2010 and said HELLO to an even greater and fulfilling 2011!!!