22.11.08 saturday
dinner with family @ bugis.. ended up at siam kitchen.. was reluctant at 1st cos the food so-so the last time we tried it but! woah! great food tis time round (though super thirsty after dat... ha!)
the best thing abt dinner was how well-behaved ms notti was.. she didn't complain abt sitting in the highchair at all tonite! cos she was feeding herself the yummy & fresh prawn crackers served at our table.. hahaha.. she was sooooooo enjoying herself.. however, the otherwise great dinner was spoilt by this super irritating fool of a waitress who obviously ain't cut out for this demanding F&B industry with her lack of manners & IQ. i already tried to put up with her bad attitude when she served me my main. but when she served mummy's main right over ms notti's head, i SNAPPED! crazy stupid bitch. how can any1 serve HOT food over a toddler's head???
well, i wasn't the only who snapped anyway.. 珮姨 gave it to her & so did Dear... and guess wat? this peabrain of a waitress didn't apologise! she just gave that stupid face of hers and disappeared for the rest of the night while her male colleague apologised on her behalf as he witnessed the whole incident... wat a pathetic fool...
anyway, ms notti had a fun time cruising abt in bugis junction and stopping by to stare at the mannequins in the window display & not forgetting, a "piss-the-mummy-off" incident involving a spoilt brat who smacked her head... grrrr.. see previous post.. ha!
23.11.08 sunday
skipped 1 gymboree lesson in the morning as ms notti seems tired from the late nite yesterday... and we are meeting up with the other oct babies & mummies @ the GUG trial @ united square later!
itz $50 for 1.5hrs trial which i tot was a pretty good deal.. dear took her for the 1st 45 mins or so and they did music & there were lots of carrying up & down...
i took over for the arts & other sessions.. and i can tell u, it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! teachers weren't engaging, the place & toys look dirty (imagine my horror when i stepped in and saw ms notti's dirty socks??) . anyway, ms notti is bored and couldnt be much bothered during the class.. hmm...
i tink she must be wondering y did parachute time (in gymboree) come so early during the class.. ha!
ms notti trying to dismantle the toy.. ???
can u imagine the item they used for arts class for toddlers 13months old?????? not whip cream, mind u! itz shaving foam!!!!!! which school in the right frame of mind will use shaving foam??? non-toxic? hmm.. maybe? but definitely POISONOUS and should be kept out of reach of babies!!
luckily for me, ms notti is super kiasi so she starts off by exploring wat it is first, finger by finger...
tis happened only i took both her hands & plonked them down onto the foam...LOL!
ms notti is bored.. deciding to play with the wet wipes instead...
"ma-ma! i found a better & CLEANER toy! ur camera cover!!"
"ok.. i m reali sick of this... when are u going to bring me out of this claustrophobic-inducing room? itz so stuffy & boring in here! i wana go back to gymboree next week..!"